3 Signs Your Boiler Needs Professional Repair Service

3 Signs Your Boiler Needs Professional Repair Service

9 June 2020
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

With a piece of equipment as complex as a boiler, it can be challenging to tell when the boiler in your basement needs to be professionally serviced. Luckily, your boiler is designed to give you some obvious signs that something is amiss and that professional repair is warranted.

Sign #1: Standing Water

Your boiler may use water in its operations, but that water should never make its way outside of your boiler. If water is leaking from your boiler to the point that you notice water pooling around the base of the system, you need to get a professional out to look at the system immediately.

In fact, if you see water pooling around your boiler, you should shut it down until a professional is able to determine where the water is leaking from and stop the leak.

Sign #2: Corrosion on Your Boiler

Once again, although your boiler is designed to handle water and steam on a regular basis, it is not designed to rust. If you notice signs of rust or corrosion on the unit, you need to get your unit inspected by a professional right away.

If there is corrosion on a specific piece of equipment, such as the heat exchange or service line, those individual parts may be replaced to stop the corrosion and ensure your unit continues to operate effectively. If, however, the boiler has corrosion on random spots throughout the equipment, the entire boiler is compromised and will need to be replaced.

Sign #3: Strange Rumbling Sounds

Your boiler is going to make some sounds during normal operation. These sounds will become part of the background of your home. If, however, you suddenly start to notice that your boiler sounds like it is rumbling, as if you are experiencing an earthquake, you have cause for concern. Boilers make a rumbling sound when they overheat.

There are lots of reasons why a boiler may overheat. If your boiler is overheating and rumbling nice and loud for you to hear, turn it off and bring in a professional. Don't keep using your boiler if it is overheating. Your boiler will not explode if it is overheating, but it will experience internal damage that could be costly to repair if your unit keeps overheating.

If your boiler is leaking water, making strange rumbling sounds and overheating, or has corrosion on it, those are three signs your boiler is in need of professional repair. If your boiler is rumbling or leaking water, turn it off until a repair technician can fix it. Contact a local boiler repair service for more information.

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Life and Construction

Tomorrow, as you go through your daily life, try making a list of everything you can thank a construction worker for. Before you even step out your door, you'll probably have to list several contractors who worked on your home, from the painters to the drywall hangers. Then, you'll drive down the road, noting the work of the road construction companies. By the end of the day, your list will be pretty long. We know — because we've done this experiment ourselves. It is actually what inspired us to write this blog about construction work. With so many contractors to thank, we figured we could share a bit about their work while we're at it.
